Monday 24 October 2011

Shakespeare Sandwich - First Workshop

Our first Shakespeare Sandwich Workshop will take place at Diss Church Junior School on Tuesday 1 November, so hopefully it won't clash with any fireworks...

Our main priority is to enjoy ourselves so please don't be scared off by the words 'Shakespeare' and 'workshop'.  Each week we will learn something really interesting about the Bard (or make it up if it isn't), gently tease him about one of his plays and debunk some of the mystery surrounding performance.

Then in the New Year we will begin to put The Dirty Duck together using everything that we have learned.

On Tuesday we will begin by:

  • Trying to remember at least 10 things about Romeo and Juliet
  • Learning the offside rule of Shakespeare: The Iambic Pentameter
  • Understanding about prologue so that you can sleep through the rest of a play
  • Picking an argument with the help of Monty Python
It'll be fun so see you there...

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