Tuesday 21 June 2011

High School - Midsummer

The aim is to run several acting workshops for high school students from September 2011 until February 2012 in preparation for the performances in the February half-term holiday. At the moment we anticipate one a month; each workshop will have a 'focus' and will explore: Language/Dialogue, Characterisation, Themes, Plot, etc.

Our chosen play is A Midsummer Night's Dream; we are looking at the idea of using an abridged version that remains true to Shakespeare's language and creating a modern narrative to fit alongside. The creative process is still in its early stages and we want to try to keep as much of it open to the students own interpretation and hope that their experiences in the workshop sessions will inform a lot of the modern narrative. The later workshops will see more student-devised work with a greater input and 'ownership' of the project. (LR)

Monday 20 June 2011

Shakespeare Sandwich

Mere Players have a reputation for staging high quality musicals including Oliver, Jekyll and Hyde, Chess and Jack the Ripper and plays including One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, The Crucible and A Man For All Seasons, collecting several NODA awards along the way. The group has an appetite for serious theatre but have never performed Shakespeare until now...

Shakespeare Sandwich is a contemporary exploration of the Works of Shakespeare in partnership with other creative groups. It is a festival of drama, media and art inspired by the works of William Shakespeare, presented as part of the national RSC Open Stages project which accepted our application. The festival is led by Mere Players with contributions from local schools, colleges, writing and drama groups.

Shakespeare Sandwich is a unique and original production, rather than an established play or musical. As one of the most ambitious team efforts Mere Players have ever undertaken, it will bring local groups and schools together to present an evening of vignettes, performances and sketches directly from and inspired by Shakespeare. Having several segments provides opportunities for first time directors and production teams.

Mere Players successfully applied to be part of the Royal Shakespeare Company Open Stages project to ‘embrace, develop and celebrate amateur theatre, opening up access to Shakespeare for performers and audiences alike’. We are permitted to use the RSC logo in all publicity.

Acceptance into the RSC Open Stages project also entitles Mere Players to attend special workshops with RSC practitioners and The New Wolsey Theatre. Each day will also include a session to feedback and share experiences.

Romeo and Juliet - Version 2

In Romes and Jules there are a number of points in the script where the plot could have taken a different turn. True, it would've been quite different if it had a happy ending, but there alternatives that would have resulted in something equally tragic...

For example, what if the message sent by the Friar describing their plan to fake Juliet's death was successfully delivered to Romeo so he knows she intends to fake her own death...

When Tybalt duels Mercutio, what if it is Tybalt that is killed

How about when Romeo duels Tybalt, what if Romeo dies

Whan Romeo and Paris fight, what if the last words were:
  • ROMEO: O, I am slain!
JULIET: (about to drink from the vial)
  • O, look! methinks I see my cousin's ghost
    Seeking out Romeo, that did spit his body
    Upon a rapier's point: stay, Tybalt, stay!
    Romeo, I come! this do I drink to thee.
Juliet drinks from the vial and gasps as nothing happens, discovering that it is nothing more than water...

ROMEO: (about to drink the poison)
  • Come, bitter conduct, come, unsavoury guide!
    Thou desperate pilot, now at once run on
    The dashing rocks thy sea-sick weary bark!
    Here's to my love!

    Juliet awakens, causing Romeo to pause...